TUPLAPOTKU® products are currently sold in several countries. Resellers map in Finlandwe are working around the clock to make it available to your country too.
if more information is needed, please click here!
Meyland-Smith A/SMads Clausens Vej 1DK-9800 HjørringTel: +45 98 96 19 85http://www.meyland-smith.dk
Varsam ABBox 21870177 ÖrebroTel: +46 (0) 19 125 505http://www.varsam.se
Salon Polkupyörätehdas Tehdaskatu 7, FI-24100 Salo, FINLAND
TUPLAPOTKU® is manufactured by Salon Polkupyörätehdas in Finland.
Oy Huntteri AbLukkosepänkatu 4, FI-20320 Turku, FINLANDTel. +358 20 799 1200